Poopy MButt

Outtakes from Funny Drinks

The website Inherently Funny has
received hundreds of submissions
for funny drinks.

Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.


Toilet Water

A delectable yellow liquid with a tangy, spicy, taste, sometimes with chunks of wrinkled chocolate.

June 3, 2024

Alcohol Maked from Poo


November 21, 2023

The McPoopy Stinky Alcohol Drinky

This drink will blow your butt!

October 12, 2023

Poop in a Blender

First poop, then mix it in a blender, then share it with your friends and barf out poop. It’s disgusting.

January 10, 2023

Peeza Jooze

With doge pee and doge pizza poop.

September 19, 2022

Mountain Poo

The newest drink from the Mountain Dew lineup, Mountain Poo! Delicate flavor of poo, with an occasional hint of turd.

August 29, 2022

Pee Poo

A yellow-brown slush with chunks of not chocolate.

April 21, 2022

Toilet Drink

First, poop into the glass. Next, pee into the glass. Then fart as many times as you can into the glass. Pour toilet water or pee again in the glass and you are done! Be ready to take a sip and throw up all over!

May 18, 2020

Booger Drink

First sneeze into the glass as decoration. Next blow your nose into a tissue and put it into the glass. Then pick your nose and put all of the boogers in the glass. Pour water into the glass and then you're done. Now enjoy the drink, then be ready to throw up!

May 17, 2020

My Pee

Yeah. that was not apple juice… sorry.

October 30, 2019

Hot Sauce

Tastes good coming in. Hurts coming out. R.I.P toilet.

November 22, 2018

The Poop Smell

It smells like poop. Don't you want to taste it?

July 31, 2018

That Yellow, Clear Stuff That Comes out of Your Butt

No, it's not apple juice.

July 1, 2018

Pee Soda

February 6, 2018

Ramen Noodle Broth

I like drinking it through a straw, noodles and all! I'm crazy!

August 18, 2017

Chocolate Chicken Milk

I dared my friend to put chicken into chocolate milk and I've been dead to him ever since.

June 16, 2017

Beans & Cheese

Extreme flatulence.

April 2, 2017

Bum Rum

Really? No wonder it's so bubbly. It should come with warning that says, “May taste like buttcheeks.”

March 25, 2017

Animal Urine

I find this funny because nobody drinks this drink.

November 26, 2015