The website Inherently Funny has
received hundreds of submissions
for funny tv shows.
Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.
Add a sausage, make it brown, and boom, you have poop.
Known for being a knock-off of the National Geographic show Brain Games,“This is a show about your butt, and how it works” as the announcer says in the intro. This show showcases buttical illusions, illusions that can not only trick your brain, but also your butt. Their slogan is “butt-tickling tricks for your butt.”
The hilarious new sitcom! A talkative kleptomaniac falls in love with an irritating potato! Together, they clumsily flop to the moon and get a job at the world’s wackiest jelly bean factory! Tuesdays at 8PM.
Shut down because the cast burned from a guy farting on a candle.
...My sister watches this stuff...