The website Inherently Funny has
received hundreds of submissions
for funny foods.
Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.
A hotdog, but the sausage is replaced with dog poop.
If you’re pooping, but your friends calls to ask what you’re doing, tell them that you’re baking a brownie right now.
Fresh poop straight from the ice cream machine.
A pizza with poo on it.
The finest crap, found on the sidewalk of an urban city. Mixed and melted into the purest of crap, then garnished with with liquid gold and topped with a strawberry.
A soup with an unfortunate aftertaste.
Also known as poo in a cone.
Pizzeria and diarrhea.
Made when your mom makes bad soup you don't want to eat so you put your butt in it.
Shrimp wrapped in bacon wrapped in poop.
Not very tasty,but when your starving to death it might be the only option.
Lots and lots of diarrhea.
A disgusting frozen treat.
Cupcakes that are shaped as butt cheeks with Jello shaped as poop.
Wouldn’t those taste good?
Potatoes that look like toes and feel like rocks.
A hot dog made up of fart chemicals and byproducts like deodorant and lipstick.
You’re probably wondering why you’ve never heard of this meal before, and that’s because I made it up. The classic noodle can be so bland, unless you add a little cheese, ranch, tuna, hot sauce, pepper, croutons, seasoned salt, and 10 glasses of water.
Kinda disturbing, I know.