Poopy MButt

Outtakes from Funny Questions

The website Inherently Funny has
received hundreds of submissions
for funny questions.

Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.


Are You Going to Diarrhea Your Pants?

Make sure you do.

February 26, 2025

What if Your Body is a Poop Gun and Eating is Just Reloading?

Dang, I reload a lot.

August 17, 2024

Did You Wash Your Bum Bum?

Let me check.

August 6, 2024

Afraid to Fart While Peeing?

Don’t worry, there’s no rain without thunder.

June 15, 2024

Why is There Poop on the Ceiling?

Wait, it tastes good.

February 28, 2024

Are Your Pants Constantly Covered in Poop?

Wipe your butt, you filthy animal.

February 14, 2024

If You Fart in Space, Does It Float Around Forever?

December 2, 2023

Are You a Poopy Frog?


November 4, 2023

How Do You Fart?

With your butt.

July 21, 2023

If you get a paper cut on your butt, what were you doing with the paper?

March 9, 2023

If Pee is Number One and Poo is Number Two, Then What is a Fart?

Number three?

July 26, 2022

Why Do Farts Smell?

July 3, 2022

What Does Butt Taste Like?

It’s chicken, because it’s always chicken.

January 12, 2022

What if poop is actually delicious, but society just doesn’t want us to enjoy it?

November 6, 2021

What did the clogger do to the toilet? Clog it!

Cloggers are dancers.

June 16, 2021

If Joeys stay in their mother’s pouch, then where does the poop go?

Just wondering.

May 19, 2020

How do we know how poop tastes if we never ate it?

May 18, 2020

Why can’t Spiderman shoot webs out of his butt?

Gee, ask someone else.

May 5, 2019

What if an Elephant Came into School and Farted in the Classroom While Smiling and Reciting Hamilton Songs?

what would your reaction be?

May 3, 2019

Have you ever let a big brown snake out of your bumhole, and then you flush the toilet and the water rises up?

Yeah, me too.

October 17, 2018

Why is the sun blue?

Because the sky farted in its face.

August 23, 2017

At the end of a horror movie, the person with you asks, “Do you need the toilet?”

You say, “No thanks, I went in my pants!”

April 20, 2017

Is your butt covered in sugar?

Because you got a sweet butt.

April 6, 2017

What if boogers were relish and relish was boogers?

August 8, 2016

What did Nyan cat say to the normal cat?

At least I have rainbows on my butt.

May 28, 2016

What do you take when your butt hurts?

Asspirin. (I made this is up and it’s pretty good but bad at the same time.)

January 15, 2016

Why’s our poo brown?

December 10, 2015

Why do chickens lay on their eggs?

Because they don’t have chairs. (Now I know what to do to get my chicken off its nest. Just put a chair nearby!)

November 18, 2015

If I Have 10 Apples and You Have 11 Ice Cubes How Many Pancakes Are on the Roof?

Purple, because aliens don't wear hats.

October 29, 2015

I know Lady Gaga’s husband calls her “baby,” but does he call her “baby” because she is Lady Gaga?

September 7, 2015

Am I the only one who thinks house centipedes are actually the living eyelashes of evil aliens sent here to steal all of our Tupperware lids, left socks, and marker caps?

Think about it, we all buy matching sets of Tupperware, yet at some point, inevitably, when we need to put leftovers away, we can’t find any lids to match the containers. And we buy matching sets of socks, but then we can only find mismatched ones and/or ones we’ve never seen before.

September 5, 2015

What if one day you woke up and you were a chicken nugget?

June 11, 2015