The website Inherently Funny has received over 50,000 submissions.
Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.
Dog poops every one second for 5 years and covers the owners house in poop in 5 milliseconds. Now everyone thinks he is the poop god.
Because it was in a butthole.
Poke-dancing, but you fart every time you shake your butt, and you end it by sitting on a toilet and pooping as fast as you can.
The loudest instrument ever, with dual horns shaped just like a butt. Eat the beans in the instrument case, then put the buttpiece to your butt. Relax and press the valves, and you will play beautiful music. (Do this in the changing room, please.)
Farting for freedom. Flying with his farts. Farting in a bad guy’s face. It’s Fartman! Three cheers for Fartman! Let’s drink for Fartman!
She tripped on a meteor and fell down. Now she is constantly tooting. Toot, toot, toot, toot, toot, oops, I tripped!
Dang, I reload a lot.
Thanks Neil. First man on moon and the first one on Uranus.
It’s fun to do, and you also wash yourself. It’s good!